Charlotte County, FL Logo

18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Transit Programs

Transit offers several programs to make riding with us more accessible to the residents of Charlotte County.

Reasonable Modifications

Charlotte County Transit is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Please see Reasonable Modifications Policy (English) or Reasonable Modifications Policy (Spanish).

Reasonable Modifications Policy (English) Reasonable Modifications Policy (Spanish)

Request for Reasonable Modification may be submitted by email to or written request can be mailed to 545 Theresa Blvd. Port Charlotte, Florida, 33954; or by telephone at 941.575.4000. All Reasonable Modification requests should be addressed to Charlotte County Transit to the attention of Laura Richards.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

Charlotte County Transit's overall goal for Fiscal Year 2023-2025 is 0.6%. For more information on how to become a DBE please contact 941.833.6241.

DBE Program

Coordinated Partners (Free Transportation)

  • The Veterans Council: Volunteers provide transportation to Bay Pines and Cape Coral. For more information call 239.652.1800 ext. 20551
  • The Homeless Coalition: Volunteers provide additional transportation for Charlotte county's homeless. For more information call 941.627.4313
  • The Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies C.A.R.E: Volunteers provide transportation for C.A.R.E, call 941.639.5499

Title VI Plan

Title VI Plan Title VI Complaint Form (English) Title VI Complaint Form (Spanish)

Delivering Exceptional Service

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